As I sat down today to write about this form of the 9 goddesses of #navratri, I struggled so much because nothing was making my article complete…

Finally, I chose to write about SHAKTI – NO ONE HAS THE POWER TO LIMIT YOU…

I chose to write about my mother, ofcourse she is the epitome of SHAKTI for me.

She started her life without her own mother who passed away when she was only 3 months old and was raised as her own by her aunt. 

She studied in the top colleges in Delhi, married my father who was from the Indian Air Force – that came with its own share of social and official commitments, had 2 babies, worked as a teacher for almost 25 years through her cancer, her broken foot, multiple surgeries, innumerable rounds of chemotherapy (eventually we all lost count of how many she had taken) and maintained all societal norms and requirements. 

Only when I think of her, do I realise how powerful she must’ve been to have endured it all.

Despite being sick, she made sure she made all the things I loved to eat, each time I came around after my marriage. She got any and every thing I needed done (you know all those mundane tasks that you can only dump on your mothers probably because you’re too lazy to them yourself, she always was only too happy to them for me), there is literally no one on this planet who can come close to way she made her matar paneer, her dahi chicken or even her chocolate mousse.

And then I think about all the times I broke her heart, yelled at her for asking me too many times “what’s wrong?”and each time my heart was smashed into a million pieces – she knew just what to say. I still remember what she used to smell like (it was this mixture of  ponds powder and love, no one else had that – crazy but true)

She had all the POWER within her to watch over me, to spoil me and even yell at me when needed. 

As I write this today, I am 6 days away from the 5th of October (the day she passed away) and every time this month comes around for me, I feel as if my heart is breaking all over again. And then after a few minutes of quiet tears, I hear her in my head saying – “come on Dilpreet, snap out of it, you know I’m fine, doing my thing, imitating people, laughing at stupid santa-banta jokes”…

Ma, this one is for you and only you… 

You are the strength that has always been inside of me and kept me going and even though you are not around, a part of me feels you every single day. 

Thank you giving me all your SHAKTI, to withstand it all and to come out victorious and to keep me smiling no matter what calamity is sent my way.

​Thank you to Anjana from for introducing me, do head on over to her blog to read about her favourite avatar for this Navratri.

I also take this opportunity to introduce Gagan Kochar who blogs from please do read her blog as well.

Thank you to our wonderful hosts and sponsor for this blogathon. 

16 thoughts on “SHAKTI”

  1. Speechless. Your words flow do effortlessly. I relate to my grandmother how you do to.your mother and November is that month for me. From me to you, big hugs! Carry her Shakti and pass it on to your children. ❤️

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